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A working day at Fendix, what's it like? Jelle tells:

Spend a day with Jelle: Information security consultant at Fendix
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The life of Information security consultant is super varied. As a consultant, you are the one who guides our clients. You have a collection of clients and projects under your belt. From SMEs in the automotive industry to IT companies. In a typical week, you spend four days working for different clients. In the first year of working here, for example, Jelle got a behind-the-scenes look at four companies.

''In a short time, I gained a lot of experience. It's interesting to get to know companies inside and out and be able to give advice at management level''.

Jelle likes to tell what a workday at the office at Fendix looks like:


  • Between 07:30 and 08:30 I arrive at work. Some days I get there at 07:30 and do some exercise before I start. On other days I sleep an hour longer.
  • 8:30: At the office, I grab a drink and start up quietly. A day in advance, I always check what's on the schedule so I can get started right away. After answering my emails, I start working on a client's risk analysis.
  • 11:00: I scheduled a meeting to review the risk analysis with my colleague. Together with Storm, we spar about the risk analysis and I ask some more questions.


  • 12:30: In the afternoon we have a nice lunch together. I myself don't have lunch with me, because there is always someone frying an egg or making a sandwich. During lunch we always watch some YouTube movies. Summaries of the Champions League or funny videos of Snipers.


  • 13:00: Get back to work for the client. We scheduled an online meeting to brainstorm the goals of the implementation process.
  • 14:00: When the meeting is over, I immediately work out what was discussed and get to work on the action items.
  • 15:00: After a while I notice that my concentration wears off a bit. Mathijs, who is sitting across from me, suggests we go outside and play some ball.
  • 15:30: The last part of the day I get to work on my own project within Fendix. Namely, I have the idea to develop a traineeship and now I get to develop it. It's nice that you get the time and space for this.
  • 17:00: From Elst, I drive back home at the end of the day in my company car.

This is just an example of a day at the office. Whether I'm in the office, working from home or working at a client's site. I plan my own week! After all, I run my own projects and have the lead in them myself. I am often at the office one day a week, not just for fun, but also for the knowledge of my colleagues.

We are looking for new colleagues. If you are enthusiastic about Jelle's day at Fendix then take a look here.

Jelle van Onna
Information Security Consultant
085 773 60 05
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