Collaboration between Guardey and Fendix
Om onze security awaress diensten uit te breiden zijn we een samenwerking aangegaan met het platform Guardey. Guardey is hét platform om security awareness te creëren bij medewerkers. Het doel van de Guardey is om duurzame gedragsverandering op het gebied van informatiebeveiliging en privacy te creëren.
Fendix distributor of Guardey
Als distributeur van de Guardey zijn wij partner op het hoogste niveau binnen Guardey. Met deze samenwerking gaan we verder dan alleen het aanbieden van de Guardey game.
Important: Guardey is a product and does not offer consulting. But don't worry, as a distributor we offer you:
- 10% off all Guardey game subscriptions
- Onboarding of admin accounts and employees
- Personal point of contact for questions, comments or changes
- Analysis and advice based on broad experience
- Extras such as training and consulting reports
Get 10% off the Guardey Game through Fendix here!
Why Guardey?
Guardey adds game elements to security awareness which is also called gamification. Gamification is seen everywhere these days, think of the smiley face when you're speeding. It's easy to turn complex theory into an engaging experience. With challenges, quizzes and rewards, employees are easily challenged to actively learn.
- Engagement through leaderboards
Guardey applies gamification precisely by motivating employees with points and rewards. The linked leaderboards ensure high engagement and mutual competition among employees. It is also possible to have employees help each other and achieve higher scores as a team.
- Engaging and fun to play
Guardey is easy to understand and user-friendly in terms of interface. Having had many conversations with IT partners, entrepreneurs and distributors, the platform has a wide range of topics. It takes employees only 3-5 minutes weekly to keep up with the game. This keeps it fun and accessible to play the game.
- Security awareness customized
Organizations can add their own content that is specifically important to its industry. The scores and rating make it easy to see where the organization's pain points lie. This makes the challenges fit your organization seamlessly. Language is no problem either. Guardey is 100% Dutch, but also available in languages like English, French, Spanish, German and more.
Awareness and ISO 27001
The game includes entertainment, competition and rewards, where users run a fictional company. The leaderboard encourages comparisons within the company and globally. Companies can reward top users and track training impact through the Learning Management System. This helps with compliance with information security and privacy standards, such as ISO27001. This is because these require an appropriate level of awareness and continuous improvement. This applies to all employees so not just specific functions.

Guardey offers weekly challenges based on gamification to allow employees to gradually build knowledge. The learning process is enhanced through regular engagement, which improves information recall. The learning curve starts simple and gradually becomes more complex, allowing users to better recognize suspicious activities.

Each user can see how they are doing in the leaderboard. Here they can compare themselves to the rest of the company and even the rest of the world.

Weekly challenges
Guardey focuses on current knowledge in cyber security, adding urgent topics directly to the weekly challenge. Administrators will soon be able to add custom questions, such as phishing experiences, to raise organizational awareness.

Up-to-date and current knowledge
The world of cyber security is fast-paced. Hackers are constantly coming up with new ways to break into companies. When this happens, companies need to be trained as soon as possible instead of waiting until the next annual course. In the game, urgent topics are simply added to the upcoming weekly challenge.
Ontvang 10% korting op Guardey bij Fendix!
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