Information Security

Carefree to 2027: The Information Security and Privacy Standards Framework for Undergraduate Education Explained

If you work in education, you know that protecting personal data and ensuring a secure digital environment are crucial. With increasing digitization in the field of fundamental education, the need for information security and privacy protection is growing. This is where the Information Security and Privacy Standards Framework for Fundamental Education (IBP FO) comes in. School boards must ensure that their schools meet the standards in the standards framework by the end of 2027 at the latest. But what exactly does this standards framework entail and why is it so important for your school? Let's find out together.
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What is a standards framework and what does IBP FO mean?

A standards framework is basically a set of rules and guidelines that an organization must follow to ensure, for example, security or quality. The IBP FO Standards Framework is specifically designed to help schools work safely with digital data and systems. This standards framework provides schools with a concrete roadmap and best practices to ensure digital security in education. It ensures that personal data of both students and staff are protected against unauthorized access, loss and misuse.

Why is the Standards Framework IBP FO important?

Implementing the IBP FO Standards Framework in your school not only helps meet legal requirements such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but also contributes to secure digital education. Here are some other reasons why this standards framework is essential:


  • ‍Protectionof sensitive information: a lot of sensitive information is processed in education, from grades to health information. The IBP Standards Framework helps protect this information from digital threats.‍
  • Parent and student trust: by showing that your school takes digital security seriously, you build trust with both parents and students.‍
  • Preventing data breaches: a properly implemented standards framework significantly reduces the risk of data breaches. Data breaches can lead to financial, legal and reputational damage.

How do you implement the Standards Framework IBP FO?

The implementation of the Standards Framework IBP FO requires a structured approach. Consider the following components:


  1. Bewustwording en training: het is belangrijk dat iedereen in de school, van leraren tot administratief personeel, begrijpt wat het normenkader inhoudt en hoe zij kunnen bijdragen aan veilig digitaal onderwijs.
  2. ‍Risk analysis: identify what data your school collects, how it is used and what the potential risks are.‍
  3. Action plan: develop an action plan based on the risk analysis, with clear steps and responsibilities to improve digital security.

Preparation to meet the standards framework

In the second half of 2024, the complete path toward the standards framework will be completed. It is recommended to start with some measures in the first half of the year in preparation for full implementation.

  1. Start by mapping all applications and the environment, establish clear agreements with vendors, and set up effective risk management.
  2. Then analyze who has access to the data and ensure encryption of storage media.
  3. The next step is to make (or have) regular backups.
  4. Then implement preventive measures against viruses, apply multifactor authentication (MFA) to critical systems and centralize login information.
  5. Finish by making timely and systematic updates.

In conclusion

Het Normenkader IBP FO is niet zomaar een checklist: het is een belangrijk onderdeel voor het creëren van een veilige en verantwoorde leeromgeving. Door dit kader serieus te nemen en te implementeren, zorg je ervoor dat jouw school niet alleen voldoet aan de wetgeving, maar ook een veilige haven biedt voor de digitale activiteiten van alle betrokkenen. Wil je meer weten over hoe je dit normenkader effectief kunt implementeren of heb je specifieke vragen over digitale veiligheid in jouw school? Neem gerust contact met ons op. Samen maken we het onderwijs veiliger en beter beschermd tegen digitale bedreigingen!

Kilian Houthuijzen
Account Manager
085 773 60 05
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