Information Security

How do I conduct a risk analysis? - With example

It is crucial to stay abreast of best practices to manage risks and maximize opportunities. Especially in this day and age. Effective risk analysis is indispensable in this regard. But what exactly is risk analysis? And how does it fit within the internationally recognized ISO standards? In this blog, we explore risk analysis and give you some practical tips on how to perform it.
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What is a risk analysis?

In short, risk analysis is the process of identifying, assessing and prioritizing risks that could affect an organization's objectives. It is an important part of risk management and helps organizations take proactive measures against potential threats. By analyzing risks systematically, companies can be better prepared for unforeseen events and minimize their impact. How to analyze risks systematically is explained in a moment.

The role of risk analysis within ISO standards

ISO standards, such as ISO 27001 (information security), among others, provide a framework for effectively managing risk within organizations. These standards recognize the importance of risk analysis as an integral part of risk management. These standards provide a clear roadmap for identifying, evaluating and managing risks in a systematic manner. This helps organizations achieve their goals more effectively and minimize uncertainties.

An example of a risk analysis

Suppose a company wants to conduct an information security risk analysis. In this example, we will assume the risk of phishing attacks. In a risk analysis, you first assess how likely it is that your organization will be the target of such an attack. Then you look at its potential impact, such as financial or reputational damage. Finally, you devise measures to mitigate this risk, such as educating your staff on how to recognize phishing attempts and establishing strong, technical controls.

Here's how to analyze a risk

An effective risk analysis follows a structured approach. You can analyze a risk in the following way:

  • Identification of risks
    Organize a brainstorm to identify all potential risks that may affect your project or business operations.
  • Assessing risks
    Evaluate the probability (how often it can happen) and impact (the possible consequences) of each risk. Do this, for example, by assigning a rating from 1-10 for probability and impact.
  • Prioritizing risks
    Rank risks based on their assessed probability and impact. A useful formula for this is "probability/opportunity x impact." The higher the number, the greater the risk.
  • Risk management measures
    Develop measures to control or mitigate the (highest prioritized) risks.
  • Monitoring and Review
    Monitor risks and the effectiveness of control measures regularly.

Example risk analysis created in Monday software

How we can help

At Fendix, we understand the complexity and importance of effective risk analysis within ISO standards. We can guide your organization in implementing ISO standards, from conducting a thorough risk analysis to developing a complete management system. Does this sound like something for you? Then feel free to contact us!

Mathijs Oppelaar
Project Manager
085 773 60 05
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