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Jelle on his first weeks of work

In the last week of September we welcomed a new colleague! Jelle has joined our team of Management Consultants. He is currently in the middle of his onboarding and we asked him about his first weeks at Fendix. You can read his experience here.
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So how did that first day go?

''Without expectations, I stepped in on my first day. I felt welcome right away. My desk was set up and my mobile and laptop were already ready for use. As icing on the cake, I was given a tag, which allows me to play sports at the office. My first day started with a cup of coffee with the whole team where everyone introduced themselves. The weekend was discussed and that quickly made for great stories. The ice was broken and I spent the rest of the day taking an ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 course and getting to know my colleagues further.

Is it then only about work?

Apart from the usual work, there were also fun activities planned during the first week. I was allowed to go along to a TÜV relation day. Afterwards we had a small drink to end the day with the whole team. On Friday there was another nice drink. This concluded the busy first week in a fun way.

During my second week, I accompanied an experienced colleague to a client. There was plenty of room to ask questions and learn the intricacies of the business. The rest of the week I was able to make real strides by mastering the ISO standards. There was continuous monitoring to see if I ran into any issues and there was plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

I hope to learn all about the ISO standards in the coming weeks and be operational as soon as possible. The first few weeks have been fun and educational and I am very much looking forward to the time ahead at Fendix!''

Jelle van Onna
Information Security Consultant
085 773 60 05
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