
KAM Certifications is now Fendix Consultants

As of today, KAM Certifications will continue under Fendix Consultants. A new name that better suits us and better reflects our vision and goals for the future. In this article we take you through the creation of the name and what this name change means for our clients.
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A retrospective

The beginning

KAM Certifications started from the ambition to help companies with certifications in Quality, Labor and Environment. But a lot has changed in the meantime. Both in the market and in the team. At the same time, we have learned that you shouldn't want to do everything. And that if you say 'yes' to everything, you also say 'no' to the things you are really good at.

When we started in 2022 with two team members and four clients, we had one service: guiding organizations to certification. Focused on implementing the ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standards. The number of clients grew and there was a demand for more and more different services to better support our clients.

The growth

Within a year, we grew from two to seven team members. The team now consists of ten enthusiastic employees and we have helped 65 clients, including international partners. Our services now include 11 different services ranging from certification and awareness to internal audits and phishing control. Not only do we focus on ISO 9001 and ISO 27001, but we have built expertise in 12 other standards that we implement on a daily basis with our clients.

A changing market

We have noticed in recent years that the market and our clients increasingly demand specialized expertise within cyber security and information security. This is partly due to the increasing number of threats from cyber attacks, ransomware and phishing. Innovations in digitalization continue to develop and are the future. Also, stricter laws and regulations always make this topic current. So it remains important to be up to date with the latest developments and make organizations resilient to them.

We have therefore significantly expanded our range of services over the past year to meet the growing demand for cyber resilience. This specialization within cyber security and information security allows us to provide targeted and effective assistance to our clients.

Growing out of our shell

What hasn't grown with us over the past two years is our name. In fact, we already help our clients with much more than just certification for a standard. From interim specialties like a security officer to awareness campaigns. We ran into several issues:

  • Our name was not representative of our services 
  • Our name was not future-proof for intended growth
  • Our name did not align with our vision and goals

The search for a new name had begun.

Making organizations resilient 

Our services have one common denominator: making organizations resilient. Important for our new name were therefore the keywords defense and resilience. We were also looking for a name that is easy to remember and can grow with us.

We found our name in Fendix.
Adding our payoff: We make organizations resilient with information security.

What will change for our clients?

Nothing really changes for our clients, but they will have to get used to our new name. In the coming period you will no longer receive communication from KAM Certificeringen but from Fendix. Our house style remains unchanged, as do our company details.

The future

Our new name is future-proof for our growth and representative of our expertise in information security. We look positively to the future and are very happy with our new jacket that fits again.

Wouter Vreeburg
085 773 60 05
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KAM Certifications is now Fendix

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