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Mathijs on his first year at Fendix

Mathijs joined Storm in January 2022. In the past year we have made huge strides and we are proud of Mathijs' contribution to that. We can't wait to see what his future at Fendix holds! We asked Mathijs what he thought of his first year of service at Fendix.
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The beginning

In the beginning, everything was a little chaotic. We were looking for how we wanted to set up our culture. We also had an immediate ambition to grow. But how does that all work? Gradually these things became more concrete and we started to put down the current corporate culture. We tried to be open and transparent with each other, offer room for development and put communication first. This is how we got closer and closer to the culture we strive for.


"So where are we now?" This is a question I often ask myself. I feel right at home at Fendix. I am now responsible for the HR department and colleagues can come to me for anything and everything. The great thing is that we are on the same wavelength in terms of motivation and attitude, which ensures that we work well together. We also joke around a lot and there is room for relaxation.

All this makes me go to work with a good feeling every day. The pleasant working atmosphere and the acceptance of each other's norms and values is what our corporate culture stands for. For example, we have grown from three employees to eight, we have been able to carry out great assignments and we are lifting the organization to a higher level every day.

The future

Where we will be a year from now I dare not predict. I do know that by then we will have learned to work together even better and still be open and transparent with each other. Keeping the culture seems fantastic to me. I look forward to being part of this process!

We are extremely happy with the work Mathijs has done and hope to enjoy his professionalism and humor for many years to come! A consultant at heart who never gives up.

Mathijs Oppelaar
Information Security Consultant
085 733 60 05
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