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Waarborg data & privacy volgens de AVG/GDPR

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Waarborg data & privacy volgens de AVG/GDPR

What is AVG/GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDG), also known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is the European regulation designed to improve the privacy and protection of all personal data. The AVG/GDPR sets strict requirements for how organizations collect, process and protect personal data, with the goal of strengthening and safeguarding individuals' privacy rights.

With this we can help you

The AVG/GDPR provides a framework for organizations to manage and ensure data and information privacy. Compliance with these regulations is required by law, as fines can be as high as 4% of annual revenue. In addition, it offers the following benefits:

  • Strengthening customer trust by demonstrating that their personal data is treated seriously and carefully
  • Reducing the risk of data breaches
  • Competitive advantage by demonstrating your organization's commitment to privacy and data protection
  • Improving control and understanding of the processing and storage of personal data

The AVG/GDPR requires organizations to take appropriate technical and organizational measures to implement privacy by design and privacy by default principles. That means integrating privacy and data protection from the design phase of products and services, with default settings that always maximize privacy.

In addition, in certain cases, organizations must appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) (aka Data Protection Officer), conduct regular privacy impact assessments and be able to respond quickly and effectively to data breaches. Read about the duties of a Data Protection Officer here?

With this we can help you

  • AVG/GDPR Check
    We check your organization's compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), including the proper presence of required documentation.

  • Implementing AVG/GDPR Compliance Policies and Procedures
    We help create and implement policies and procedures that ensure your organization's continued compliance with the AVG/GDPR.

  • Data Protection Risk Assessment and Impact Analysis (DPIA)
    We conduct a thorough analysis to assess the risks and privacy impact of data processing activities, essential for AVG/GDPR compliance.

  • DPO as a Service
    We offer an external Data Protection Officer (FG/DPO) to oversee AVG/GDPR compliance within your organization, without the need to hire a full-time internal DPO.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why Fendix?

We understand your business and industry
More than 10 years of experience within various industries.
An outside critical view
We always look with a keen and critical eye to observe improvement.
Smooth & clear communication
You can count on smooth and clear communication with us.
A reliable knowledge partner
We are always here for honest and reliable advice.
More about us

This is how we proceed

GAP analysis
Risk analysis
Management System
Internal audit + management review
External audit

Getting started with the AVG/GDPR

Want to get started with the AVG/GDPR? We have several services for you. Like a GAP analysis for insight into what you need to do before your implementation or a Privacy Officer as a service. Just a sparring session to see what we can do for you? Schedule an informal meeting!

Data Protection Officer (FG)

The Data Protection Officer independently oversees compliance with the AVG. See what a Data Protection Officer can do for your organization.
view service

Accompanying implementation process

In the guided implementation process, we help you do the implementation yourself using our templates.
view service

Schedule a no-obligation telephone intake today

We leggen je graag uit wat de AVG/GDPR inhoudt en wat dit voor jouw organisatie betekent, inclusief de stappen die nodig zijn voor een gestroomlijnde implementatie.tt
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Schedule a no-obligation telephone intake today

We leggen je graag uit wat de AVG/GDPR inhoudt en wat dit voor jouw organisatie betekent, inclusief de stappen die nodig zijn voor een gestroomlijnde implementatie.tt
What to expect.
Schedule a no-obligation introduction
2 minutes
Free introduction
30 minutes
Inzicht in implementatietraject
Ontvangst whitepaper
Voorstel op maat
Within 1 day

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