Information Security

NIS2: Mandatory training for management and directors.

With the upcoming NIS2 legislation, it is mandatory that directors not only be aware of risks, but also be actively involved in managing them. This significantly expands the responsibilities of directors and management. This directive, which takes effect at the end of 2024, requires executives of essential and significant organizations (entities) to learn about and comply with information security standards.
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The role of directors under NIS2

Under NIS2, directors are expected to:

  • approve the necessary cybersecurity risk management measures;
  • monitor compliance with these measures within their organizations;
  • taking personal responsibility for overall cybersecurity compliance.

This liability means that not only the organization, but also individual directors can face legal and financial consequences for non-compliance.

Why cybersecurity training is mandatory

The NIS2 directive requires that all members of management be trained in managing cybersecurity risks. This training is crucial to ensure that leaders can not only identify and evaluate risks, but also implement effective measures to protect their organizations.

Supervision and enforcement NIS2

Enforcement of NIS2 regulations is carried out by national authorities, which have extensive powers to monitor compliance. This includes inspections, audits, and the right to require immediate action when deficiencies are found.

The consequences of non-compliance NIS2

Failure to comply with NIS2 can result in significant penalties, including:

  • warnings;
  • binding instructions to correct deficiencies;
  • fines and other financial penalties;
  • public notice of noncompliance.

These sanctions underscore the importance of active management involvement, initiative and compliance.

Incompany NIS2 executive training

For executives who want to understand the severity and complexity of cyber threats, manage them effectively and meet the NIS2 obligation, the Incompany NIS2 executive training is the solution. This training not only provides the necessary knowledge and skills, but also ensures that your organization is compliant with the latest EU cybersecurity regulations.

Then sign up for our Incompany NIS2 Executive Training. Feel free to contact us for options or schedule a no-obligation introduction:

Kilian Houthuijzen
Commercial Manager & Partner
085 773 60 05
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